It would be cool to know that I can download songs from Less Than Jake‘s album Pezcore for $.99/ea at eMusic. It would be if you couldn’t get the entire album for free everywhere else on the net. Whatever. You don’t even care, do you?
Posts tagged “mp3”
mp3 ripping
Shareware for ripping m3s from CDs
Behind the Wheel
In which I ask for help locating a cover song
Song of the Moment
There’s a reason why it’s called the Song of the Moment instead of the Song of the Day. I want to be able to change it whenever I feel like it. Like right now for instance.
The Song of the Moment
I just can’t get enough of this blogger thing. I’ve started a new blog called Song of the Moment. Is it a featurette? I don’t know. Whenever I get around to it, probably once each day, I will stick a new song in my songs directory and name it song.mp3. (If you want to send
I think that this is quite possibly the cheesiest song ever recorded. Update: mp3 no longer available; was Kraft Macaroni and Cheese theme song 2024-01-19: Dead links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
Once – Pearl Jam, 5m18s (recorded live, Europe 1992)
Porch – Pearl Jam
Sit back. Take five minutes out of your busy day. Download this 7m42s version of my favorite Pearl Jam song. Enjoy. Thank me.
Heh. I was only kidding. Yes, I am a computer programmer. I wasn’t kidding about that. (Although “computer programmer” is not usually what people think when they think of me.) But I wasn’t really worried about getting this thing running with a sound card. Hello? How hard is that? I freakin’ built Bud from scratch, y’know? Fooling with HSND02 here is not that big a shmeal. So now we are ready to go. Woo. Hoo. Goodbye MiniDisc action, hello mp3s.