Posts tagged “music”
When You Love Someone But It Goes to Waste
In which I go for a run
You Can Surely Try to Be More Alive
The real countdown starts today. In ninety days I’ll be forty. I’m not as freaked out about it as I expected to be. Physically I feel better than I have at any point in my life. Yes, I need to stretch before and after I exercise, and I’m sore more frequently, and I can’t see
One More Holiday I Will Not Celebrate
Thinking about Easter bread
#FridayFive: The Point!
View the Friday Five from March 15th, 2013
The Record Books
What if Abbey Road had been a book instead of an album? How about Exile on Main Street? The Rockpot is selling packs of gorgeous postcards and prints of just such imaginations. I love the ones for Violator and Brothers in Arms. I love all of them, actually. They also have theoretical iOS app logos
Stretch, Run, Stretch
About two weeks ago, on January 17th, Dr. Sohail Shayfer told me I was suffering from iliotibial band syndrome. He told me to take a break from running so much, to take two Aleve naproxen sodium tablets every twelve hours for four weeks, and to stretch, stretch, stretch. I’ve never stretched before or after a
On family traditions
Runnin’ Down a Dream
Running over
I’m Not Okay
A very cold run
Let Me Tell Ya How We Do It in California
There is surely some sort of life lesson here: If every other run is a half-marathon, the five-milers seem like nothing. I need to get a new pair of sneakers, though, for reals. The 2011 Nike Air Structure Triax I’ve been kicking have got to have over five hundred miles on them by now. I’ve