Posts tagged “My Life”
This is really sick. It’s almost 8 on a Friday night and I’m sitting in my office redesigning my web site. How pathetic is that?
Lost and Found
On being aware of things
Wow! My first experience with looks like it was a good one. I’ll be flying from JAX at 1140 EST on 2000.04.13 and landing at LAX at 1545 PST. The other way is leaving LAX at 1152 PST on 2000.04.17 and landing in JAX at 1605 EST, with a one-hour layover in Dallas.
And there you have it folks. Another week is finished. Time for bed and a good night’s sleep. The Gators won. Tomorrow we go a-house-hunting. Is it just me or is blogger taking forever to load lately?
Long Day
This has been a long day … it’s time to go home …
Remember when you were in elementary school and if you had a headache you could go to the nurse’s office and sleep for a few hours? How cool was that? Why don’t we have a nurse’s office here? That would be excellent.
This will be a day long-remembered in the annals of splitting headache history. Oh, turncoat brain! Cease your relentless pounding and let me work! got acetaminophen?
On having a nice day
In which I start the day on a good note