- Some excellent climate news: United States greenhouse gas emissions peaked in 2005 and have been declining ever since. — via All Predictions Wrong
- Some excellent environmental news: The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced Chinook salmon have returned to the Klamath Basin for the first time since the construction of hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River in 1912. – via @saramontourlewis
- “Sorry I missed your call. I was sitting on the couch holding my phone and watching it ring.” — @scottevandavis
- Allbirds are great everyday shoes. They’re stylish, comfortable, and you can toss them in the washing machine. I have three pairs and love them. They’re having a 30%-off Fall sale ending October 27, 2024.
A few days ago I realized that my sons have never heard of Snidely Whiplash. They don’t know Dudley Do-Right or Grape Ape or Hong Kong Phooey, either. I feel like I’m a terrible parent.
- I currently have a fourteen-year old. And I absolutely remember being a fourteen-year old. This video about growing pains from Amsterdam’s NEMO Science Museum is <chef’s kiss> good. – via @dsnyderuk
- In order to pass your CCNA exam, you need to be proficient at converting decimal numbers to binary numbers and binary numbers to decimal numbers — and do so quickly. Cisco made the challenge into a video game, and it’s pretty fun! – via Jason
Posts tagged “Oregon”
- Beyond Apu — Why are there suddenly so many Indians on television?
- Want to save the Gulf of Mexico? Learn how to boom properly.
- The leading web property for yuletide holiday determination is now on your mobile phone. Never be at a loss again. Get the Is It Christmas? iPhone app!
- I got 99 problems but breathing ain’t one.
- It is a little-known fact that you can perform (almost) every pop song ever recorded using just four chords.
- A real-life Batman: This blind man “sees” using echolocation.
- It would be pretty rad to ride an elephant to work where your pet orangutan plays with his dog.
- New Scientist details the eight most amazing commutes in the animal kingdom. (Did you know that the Pacific leatherback turtle swims from Indonesia to Oregon and back every year?)
The David Gagne 2009 U.S. Tour
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
- The sketches on Funny Or Die keep getting better. This week Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes / Spock from the new Star Trek) appears as a convenience store robber who manages to get his life on track… sorta.
- Here’s the feel-good story of the day: A Portland couple — and their ’57 Chrysler — are still going strong after 50 years.
- Slate has published an interesting article on how the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting, and why that’s dangerous.
- I work with a developer in India who frequently complains that Outlook does not display messages from me correctly. He insists that it’s because my mail program — Apple’s Mail.app — doesn’t compose messages properly. I insist that it’s because Outlook sucks. (See also: Windows crashes displays at new Cowboys stadium during Oklahoma / BYU game.)
- When is it not cool to see recently-declassified video of decades-old nuclear weapons tests?
- Make sure to read TMQ’s all-haiku 2009 NFL preview.
- Daring Fireball mentioned that he hasn’t actually ever seen a Palm Pre in the wild, which might explain why its sales numbers are well below their projections. A guy in my office has one. Every time I see it I wonder what would possess someone to get anything other than an iPhone.
- AT&T says MMS for iPhones will launch on 9/25. I really don’t see why everyone is freaking about this. I don’t really like MMS. It’s simple enough to email something from an iPhone; why not just do that? Everyone was freaking about copy and paste and I didn’t understand that either. Sure C&P is a great feature, but I’ve probably used it ten times in the last 3 months… Three years ago I had a BlackBerry Pearl and before that a RAZR and I was always thrilled just to be able to actually receive telephone calls on them. As far as I’m concerned the iPhone is the best American invention since… well… the iPod.
- I completely agree with Chris Coyier: It would be brilliant to invest in Red Box… if this was 1997.
- DirecTV NFL Mobile: The most expensive free app in the world
- It took forever, but there is finally an official Flickr app for the iPhone.
My little sister is recording the event while mountain climbing somewhere in Oregon, so she asked me not to SMS her any information about the SEC Championship Game. Intentionally planning something of any importance — a mountain expedition, a wedding, bachelor party, childbirth, etc. — on a Saturday in the late Fall (or early Winter) is mind-boggling to me. My uncle — whose wife’s birthday is today, actually — got married on the day of the Super Bowl. (It was even worse that his favorite team was the AFC champion that year.) Priorities, people.
A Gator Golfing
In which I get a new golf bag