- The sketches on Funny Or Die keep getting better. This week Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes / Spock from the new Star Trek) appears as a convenience store robber who manages to get his life on track… sorta.
- Here’s the feel-good story of the day: A Portland couple — and their ’57 Chrysler — are still going strong after 50 years.
- Slate has published an interesting article on how the brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting, and why that’s dangerous.
- I work with a developer in India who frequently complains that Outlook does not display messages from me correctly. He insists that it’s because my mail program — Apple’s Mail.app — doesn’t compose messages properly. I insist that it’s because Outlook sucks. (See also: Windows crashes displays at new Cowboys stadium during Oklahoma / BYU game.)
- When is it not cool to see recently-declassified video of decades-old nuclear weapons tests?
- Make sure to read TMQ’s all-haiku 2009 NFL preview.
- Daring Fireball mentioned that he hasn’t actually ever seen a Palm Pre in the wild, which might explain why its sales numbers are well below their projections. A guy in my office has one. Every time I see it I wonder what would possess someone to get anything other than an iPhone.
- AT&T says MMS for iPhones will launch on 9/25. I really don’t see why everyone is freaking about this. I don’t really like MMS. It’s simple enough to email something from an iPhone; why not just do that? Everyone was freaking about copy and paste and I didn’t understand that either. Sure C&P is a great feature, but I’ve probably used it ten times in the last 3 months… Three years ago I had a BlackBerry Pearl and before that a RAZR and I was always thrilled just to be able to actually receive telephone calls on them. As far as I’m concerned the iPhone is the best American invention since… well… the iPod.
- I completely agree with Chris Coyier: It would be brilliant to invest in Red Box… if this was 1997.
- DirecTV NFL Mobile: The most expensive free app in the world
- It took forever, but there is finally an official Flickr app for the iPhone.
Posts tagged “Palm”
So you’ve got yourself a Handspring Visor. Have you bought some accessories? I have the backup module, which is really handy. I know you can buy a cell-phone attachment and a digital camera. One of the reasons I like the Visor better than the Palm Pilot is the ability to add functionality using the expansion
The Claudia Schiffer Edition Palm Pilot
Microsoft News
It appears that all Microsoft users are doomed. I’ve seen this coming for some time now and I’m not surprised in the least. I’m glad I’ve been learning Palm OS programming on the side. I hate that damn one-button Mac mouse, though. I’ll never get comfortable with it. Let’s just allow MS to do whatever
This wins the Quote-of-the-Day award from the hundreds of workers slaving away here at davidgagne.net: “plus, it runs winCE on a RISC processor. when will people learn: winCE is for toothless vietnamese hookers with no thumbs. if you’re serious about mobile computing, at least use PalmOS, if not Mobile Linux on a Crusoe” – My
Handspring Visor
Did I already mention that I will absolutely die if I don’t get one of these in the very near future? That’s it. I’m buying one tomorrow. Case closed. Whew! It feels good to get that decision out of the way.
Damn! Bryan blogged about his Visor and now I can’t imagine living another day without an ice blue one with a modem and digital camera eye …