Posts tagged “pets”
Ugly Yellow Stains
If you were sitting there and decided to make a list of things that leave hideous yellow permanent stains on white t-shirts, you probably wouldn’t even think to put cat urine in the top five. But you’d be wrong. Oh, boy. Would you be wrong.
Puppy Chow
If you own a 30-pound pit bull and a 200-pound Burmese python and they are both missing, it’s probably safe to assume the worst. link via radio mookie
Fish News
The goldfish did not survive the conflagration.
I’m interested in learning how you feel about this: A company called Transgenic Pets is attempting to create genetically modified cats. These cats, “will be like any other cats except they will no longer have the protein that causes an allergic reaction in human beings.” BBC article NY Times article
My dog died today.
My dog died today. He hasn’t really been my dog since I left for college, like in ’91. But he was always really my dog. And I don’t think I ever played with him enough. And I don’t think I can write this right now. Maybe later on. Fuck.