Posts tagged “photography”
Coffee Shop Photo
In which I discover digital photography
Nice People Swallow
Some lovely desktop wallpapers
I Love That Muddy Water
There are some fabulous photos of Boston at I’m just drooling for a digital camera now. I got to experiment with my dad’s new Fuji digi-cam this weekend; got some great shots. Oh, and I learned that Ryan just got a the Elph I want! Man! I need to get some money. A whole
Fuji MX-2900
Dad tells me that he just snagged one of these at a church auction for $275. Nice. I can’t wait to see some photos. My dad’s a great photographer and I’m excited because I think with him being digital now I’ll get to post more of his stuff here. I’m positively drooling over the Elph,
I just learned that most of the photographs at Ocean State Adventures were taken by my dad! Way to go, dad!
Mirror Project
I discovered The Mirror Project while visiting TheBrad. The Mirror Project is a growing collection of like minded individuals who have snapped their likenesses in a variety of reflective surfaces. Nifty idea, eh?
Everything you ever wanted to know about (digital) photography can be found at