- Only XKCD could produce such an emotionally-charged comic strip about the Mars rover Spirit. (How can you not feel badly about that poor little robot?)
- Where do all my taxes go? The New York Times has a great infographic that displays the recently-proposed 2011 US budget.
- You’ll find bunches of (mostly technical) fascinating links if you subscribe to my delicious feed; but in case you don’t and it’s the sort of thing that interests you, check out:
- Why the iPad will fail and help Windows 7 to succeed is required reading for anyone that is just blindingly stupid. It’s perfect for brilliant minds who also think the government is secretly poisoning us with fluoride and there’s really no hard evidence linking cigarettes with lung cancer.
Posts tagged “PHP”
WordPress Wednesday: Display Post Type in Admin Posts List
In which I explain how to display a new column in the Wordpress Admin Posts list
WordPress Wednesday: Closing Slash Hack
How to get rid of annoying closing slashes that prevent HTML from validating.
Share on Threads
Here is the code to add a share to threads link on your Wordpress site.
WordPress Wednesday: Thumbnail ALT Tags
How to grab an image ALT tag from the WordPress Media system
WordPress Wednesday: Grab First Image from Post
In which I explain how to parse the first image from a post
WordPress Wednesday: Huge Archives
In which I explain how to beautifully display enormous WordPress archives in a compact format
The Ultimate Guide to Local WordPress Development on a Mac
In which I explain how I roll my code
#FridayFive: Feeds to Follow
View the Friday Five from August 7th, 2009
WordPress Wednesday: Safe Function Calls
If you’re editing a WordPress theme template file by adding a call to a plugin’s function, you need to be careful. In six months or a year you’re going to deactivate or delete that plugin, and you’re going to get a big ugly fatal PHP error on your blog. You can avoid it, though, by