Posts tagged “plugins”
WordPress Wednesday: Current Plugins
Here’s a handy list of all the WordPress plugins I’m currently using to publish this site.
WordPress Wednesday: Displaying Older Posts
In which I explain a bit of MySQL
Akismet Works
The best spam-blocker
WordPress Gunning-Fog Analysis PlugIn
In which I build a quick plugin
Akismet and Comment Spam
In which I recommend a good WordPress plugin
Three Simple Steps to Fix Technorati Tags
In which I explain how to improve a plugin
Timeline WordPress Plugin
In which I attempt to write a plugin
How-To: WordPress Tags
Tags! They’re everywhere! It seems like every site on the ‘net is adding tagging now. Tag clouds — ridiculous, pointless, and annoying — are not the reason. Tagging is a good way to get into Technorati and a good way to get more traffic to your site. It’s a nifty way to organize your posts
Disable WordPress File Upload
Although I can appreciate that it’s a really nifty feature, I am likely never going to use the built-in File Upload feature in WordPress. What has bugged me is that it’s in an IFRAME in the Write Post panel; I think it slows the page load. I was trying to get rid of it, but
WordPress Captcha
In which I deal with spam