Posts tagged “poetry”
Another Anniversary
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
Happy Valentine’s Day
My favorite love poems
Finding a Box of Family Letters
This poem is beautiful.
Pentametron scours Twitter looking for tweets that are in iambic pentameter and then combines them into sonnets.
Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!
Yes, I have an Exactlywatt on a chain!
Thomas Hardy
On Thomas Hardy’s “The Self-Unseeing” and “The Haunter”, an essay from 1996
I just heard US Poet Laureate Billy Collins read this poem on A Prairie Home Companion. I loved it so much that I decided to re-print it here. ForgetfulnessThe name of the author is the first to gofollowed obediently by the title, the plot,the heartbreaking conclusion, the entire novelwhich suddenly becomes one you have never
Coleridge and Wordsworth
Discuss the differences in the ways the image of sunset functions in Wordsworth’s Intimations of Immortality and Coleridge’s The Lime-Tree.
Linguasso (for lingual and Picasso) creates totally random works of art, composed of text and based on varying emotions [which have been] put into a small library. It chooses an emotion, then displays associated words and dynamically created sentences in random fonts, sizes and places. It’s quite addictive to watch over and over again, as
Sitting in the Office A haiku: work goes well – music Alanis M in headphones battery dies. blah.