I’ve been on hold waiting to talk to someone at Tesla support for twenty minutes now.
Posts tagged “rants”
In which I complain about an inexcusable lack of customer service
The Death of Twitter
In which he laments the demise of a once-beautiful service
If your HTML form does not perform its submit action when I click the RETURN key, it is broken.
Every parent in the US who sends their kids to school knows that they are playing a lottery – today could be the day that their kid is shot. It could happen anywhere, any time. There’s no safe place.
It’s utterly, utterly fucking insane that we live like this.
I have been watching college football all day and seen approximately 638,915 GOP ads viciously bashing Dems on ESPN, Fox, ABC, etc. and exactly zero ads for Dems period.
I seriously dislike when the NYT crossword gets cute with things. Hard clues I love. Making it so you can’t solve the puzzle without breaking the rules of crossword puzzles is just annoying.
My favorite part of Monday Night Football is learning about all the new prescription cancer medications.
Yet another NFL season begins with a terrible implementation of the on-screen possession indicator. Who at NBC thought a half-circle around their logo would be cute?