What is the appropriate way to deal with the sunk cost fallacy after being on hold with the IRS for 90+ minutes?
Posts tagged “rants”
Health Insurance Fun
Healthcare in America Is Broken
Two Months with an iPhone 6
In which I detail all the problems I’ve had with the iPhone 6
Why Federal Construction Spending Doesn’t Translate to GDP Growth
#FridayFive: Illogical Bathroom Practices
View the Friday Five from December 6th, 2013
The Scarlet M
I’ve been thinking lately that there should be some way to flag others on Facebook to remind yourself to ignore them. Of course you can unfriend people; I’m not talking about that. I’m primarily talking about friends of friends. I kind of like the idea of a scarlet M, for moron. Frequently I’ll read a
Big O Tires – West Los Angeles
Dealing with auto repairs is always a hassle.
My Contacts
In which I am angry about an app
My tolerance for stupidity, ignorance, and imbeciles is jaw-droppingly lower before about ten o’clock in the morning, which means dealing with my mother’s health care on the East coast from the West coast has been just awful.
By about noon every day for the last six months or so I’ve been feeling really, really stabby. Pity my wife and co-workers.