- Scientific American published a list of all the interesting things to see in the night sky in 2025.
- Spotify’s Secret Star Wars Easter Egg: The Hidden Lightsaber Feature (I don’t usually stream music, but this is pretty cool.)
- Are you responsible for designing or developing any type of authentication for a website or app? Take a second and read the UX of login codes by Brad Frost.
- “You can’t speak to the weather’s manager. Mother Nature has no concierge. Your investment portfolio will not halt an inferno. A college degree won’t tame the blaze. In the way we all inhabit the same Earth, we are all made of blood and flesh that burns the same.” – via The Handbasket
- Own a Kindle? You can read the complete works of Shakespeare for free.
- The Jabberwocky was one of my mom’s favorite poems. I love that I can still recite most of it from memory and it always makes me think of her.
Posts tagged “Shakespeare”
#FridayFive: Shakespeare
In which I list my favorite plays by the bard
Happy Valentine’s Day
My favorite love poems
Pentametron scours Twitter looking for tweets that are in iambic pentameter and then combines them into sonnets.
Living Under a Rock
With the possible exceptions of my father and (maybe-not-so-strangely-coincidentally) my father-in-law, I don’t know anyone who is as voracious a reader as I am. I also seem to consume an outlandish amount of television and there is rarely a moment in my life in which there isn’t music playing. Oh, and I love movies. Yet,
Some Good Books
In which I list some of my favorite books
Multiple monkeys with a computer accomplish nothing.
Javascript Clock
How sour sweet music is When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men’s lives. I wasted time, and now doth time waste me For now hath time made me his numbering clock; My thoughts are minutes. William Shakespeare – Richard III
Titus Andronicus
An essay on gender roles I wrote in college in 1994
Link Droppings
In which he posts a few funny links