- A man in Canada’s far north leapt on to a polar bear to protect his wife from being mauled, police say. – via Crooked Media (threads / bluesky)
- I love this quote: “[Software bugs] are a lot like prime numbers. There are always more, but after you find the first couple billion they do thin out quite a bit.” – via @philcrissman (threads / bluesky)
- It’s a good idea to occasionally revisit the story of Roger and Elaine.
- Mark Ruffalo sounds like the name a dog would give if he was pretending to be a man. – via @the.yael
- Need to buy something for someone you can’t stand? Check out My Heinous Gift Guide for Sworn Enemies. And note that you don’t actually have to stay on Twitter. – both via Laura Olin (threads / bluesky)
Jonathan Edward Durham is a good follow on threads and/or bluesky.
- Your Local Epidemiologist is a super informative newsletter that translates complicated health news, especially about viruses and colds.
- 19 Useful Mac Startup Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know
- What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop! – via 172 Corny Jokes To Tell To Kids You Love
Posts tagged “socks”
- These printable gratitude zines are a wonderful idea. There are kid versions, too! – via @austinkleon
- All children’s clothes should have a blank tag where you can write your kid’s name. How is this not a thing? – via me
- “[W]hat’s most needed is not new recycling technologies but stronger regulations on plastic producers.” – The False Promise of Plastic Recycling
- Annual tooth and gum cleaning may be the single most cost-effective therapy in all of medicine, and millions skip this, causing avoidable problems down the road. – via All Predictions Wrong
- Do yourself a favor. Get an Amazon Subscribe & Save subscription to a six-pack of comfy socks. It’s fairly inexpensive, and it’s a great way to stop hoarding old socks. (Set it to deliver them every six months. You’ll thank me in May.)
- The number of Italian same-sex civil unions rose to a six-year high, defying the country’s conservative government’s attempts to make it more difficult for same-sex couples to start families. – via @crookedmedia
- I had no idea the standard movie disclaimer — “Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.” — is because of Rasputin! – via @kottke
- It’s unfair that Someone Like You (from Bang Tango’s 1989 album Psycho Café) isn’t more popular.
- Defeated Man Too Tired To Fight New $14.99 Fee On Phone Bill – via @theonion
- “In one hour alone, the sun pummels the earth with more power than the world uses in the span of an entire year.”
- “Look, nothing I can write in this letter could possibly prepare you for everything that is about to happen. I don’t even know where to start, to be honest with you. There’s just so much.” – via @playerstribune
- Big sports moments are when I miss my mom the most. Even little ones. I could text her at 2AM to ask if she was watching two unknown, unranked Hungarian tennis players locked in a tight match on ESPN3 and the answer would always be, “Of course.”
Only Old Men Wear Colored Socks
Black cashmere socks are a sort of gateway drug into other colored socks.
Reason #4287 why Ask.MeFi totally rules: Numerous excellent responses to a question about sock optimization techniques.