Posts tagged “Software”
Two Months with an iPhone 6
In which I detail all the problems I’ve had with the iPhone 6
450, 32, 1, 0: Four Numbers That Explain Why Facebook Acquired WhatsApp for $16,000,000,000.00
Mac Pro-tip: Pressing ⌘ and + will make the font larger in just about every program you use. (And ⌘ and – will decrease the font size.)
It’s a silly little tip that almost everyone knows. But if you don’t know it, it’s a godsend. (It’s a little depressing to admit that your eyes are getting older, but …)
Dealing with My iPhoto Library
Apple iPhoto / Photos doesn’t work.
#FridayFive: Awesome iPhone Apps
View the Friday Five from September 13th, 2013
#FridayFive: Desktop Apps
View the Friday Five from July 26th, 2013
iTunes + Twitter
It seems to me that it would be a no-brainer for Apple to update iTunes so that I could easily post a song to my Twitter account. The app could automatically insert a link to purchase the track in the iTunes store (or not, if it’s a song that doesn’t exist there).
I can’t say enough good things about f.lux. It’s a small and free little app that automatically changes the intensity of your laptop’s screen based on the time of day. If you frequently find yourself using the computer long after you should be asleep, you need this app.