Posts tagged “Star Wars”
Misleading Trailers
A collection of fake movie trailers
Pass the Baton
Notes on my music collection
BlasTech DL-44
On Han Solo’s blaster
Life After Darth
On how to tell a story
Starship Captain Smackdown
Okay. This is just ridiculous. The Starship Captain Smackdown is an awesome display of a spreadsheet on an HTML page, and ranking starship commanders is a noble goal. But you’ve got Solo ranked below the new Adama? Please. Even the old Adama was cooler than the new Adama. And sure, Galactica is the Samuel L.
Rewriting Star Wars History
I don’t want my children to grow up thinking that Greedo shot first. via re-run
How old were you when …
A web gizmo to place yourself in history
Box Office Record Breakers
How do you decide which film made more money?
The Death Star clearly has a garbage-disposal problem.