- News & Notes
- Couple married 72 years dies holding hands — from kottke.org
- Jason Kottke also published an epic round-up of all the best stories, comments, obituaries, collections, videos, etc. about Steve Jobs.
- Top Ten Misused English Words — from listverse.com
- 4 Personal Finance Principles That Would Make Your Grandfather Proud — from The Art of Manliness
- Stellar.io is just awesome. Seriously. Trust me on this one. (Let me know if you want an invitation.)
- Apps
- Amazing Breaker is a fun (free) breakout game.
- Can anyone explain the difference between the Starbucks app and the Starbucks Card Mobile app?
- Tech
- If you have an iPhone running iOS5, open the iTunes app on your phone. Click “More” in the lower right-hand corner. Choose “Tones”. You’ll see that there is now a new section of Star Wars ringtones. (I can’t understand how this wasn’t front page news.)
- See also: How to make custom tones for your iPhone — from macworld.com
- If I’m going to get a MacBook Air, then it looks like I’m also going to get a new Thunderbolt display. — via Shawn Blanc
- Incredible macro photographs taken with iPhone 4S camera — from campl.us
- Shit Siri Says Is, indeed, quite funny. (On Sunday I was upset when Siri couldn’t connect to the Internet and was unable to tell me the distance from Key West to Cuba. When I said, “Blow me!” in frustration, she said, “David! The language!”)
- Sports
- Quote of the day: “…it’s clear that marketing people underestimated [Tim Tebow’s] intangibles and popularity.” — Tebow’s Eye Black
Posts tagged “Starbucks”
- I love that Snoop Dogg recorded an ode to Sookie Stackhouse.
- If you want to really know what the difference is between Apple and every other technology company, read what Daring Fireball said about FaceTime. Just remember that most of us — including me, and I’ve been a computer programmer for almost twenty years — are “normal” people.
- Snooki Saved My Marriage: “[E]very combination of two good things does not equal a peanut butter and chocolate moment.”
- The Vatican has officially endorsed The Blues Brothers and said it should be recommended viewing for Catholics everywhere.
- A Field Guide to WiFi Users at Starbucks (archived)
- How I Lost My 1K Status on United is a great story.
- Who doesn’t love other people’s cats?
- “…[E]mployees who volunteered felt more connected to their companies and were more likely to work harder on tasks, …spoke positively about their employer in public and were less likely to daydream, cyber loaf or take extra time off work.”
- It is no surprise at all that Jeff Demps is number one on Heisman Pundit’s Ten Fastest College Football Players for 2010.
- The Big 12 somehow managed to stay alive.
- EDSBS compares sports leagues to religions, and makes sense.
- Did USC get railroaded?
- Starbucks To Begin Sinister ‘Phase Two’ Of Operation
- Is Schizophrenics Anonymous legitimate or some sort of sick joke?
- “You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font.”
- This week’s must-have hat is The Infidel.
- In prison Bernie Madoff doesn’t have to hide his lack of conscience.
- The Smithsonian has released a list of the ten most disturbing scientific discoveries. I only think that three of them are very disturbing. (The other seven are just kind of “meh”.)
- If you’re going to brew your own beer, you might as well have a nice label.
- The Button is probably the dumbest iPhone app ever.
- Greg Knauss knows what to do about the Gulf.
- Housewife Charged In Sex-For-Security Scam
- News flash for lottery winners: Money can’t buy happiness. (Note: I am already happy, so winning the lottery would not ruin my life. Also, I’m not a moron.)
- Are you as excited about the new iPhone as I am? (It’s not my fault that Steve keeps releasing them so close to my birthday!)
Dangerous Mistakes
Winning is an all the time thing.
The Seam and the Hole
If you put the seam right over the hole, the coffee drips.
Christmas in November
On November 4th I entered my local Starbucks and laughed when I saw the entire store was decorated for Christmas. There happened to be a manager and a “barista” working the counter, so I mentioned that it was a bit early for Christmas decorations. The manager replied, as if I was daft, “No it’s not.
The Secret Superpower of Starbucks
When I have the opportunity I am apt to choose the underdog. Aside from the sinfully delicious Cinnamon Dolce Latte, for example, I dislike Starbucks and will generally go to the mom-and-pop coffee shops scattered around Los Angeles. More often than not lately, though, I am finding that Starbucks’ secret superpower is consistency. Mussolini kept