Posts tagged “Sugarcult”
Good Golly Miss Molly
Another run in the books
Best Wishes to Your Black Lung
I’m trying every day to simply (!) meet my Nike Fuel Points goal. I can’t stand looking at my Fuel Band late at night and seeing I still need to exercise a bit to hit 4,000 points. So I’ve been making a serious effort to knock out as many points as I can as early
Stretch, Run, Stretch
About two weeks ago, on January 17th, Dr. Sohail Shayfer told me I was suffering from iliotibial band syndrome. He told me to take a break from running so much, to take two Aleve naproxen sodium tablets every twelve hours for four weeks, and to stretch, stretch, stretch. I’ve never stretched before or after a
The Last Song
It was incredibly difficult to roll out of bed at five-fifteen this morning, but I did. It’s been (very uncharacteristically) raining for several days in Los Angeles and it was just a wet, dark, miserable morning for a run. But about two miles into it and I started to feel better, and by the time
Somewhere Across Forever
I managed to hit my new goal of 3500 Nike Fuel points on Sunday, so I feel pretty good about that. (I did the P90X Shoulders & Arms workout in the middle of the afternoon.) After an early dinner at Lakeside Golf Club, my wife and I watched this week’s Saturday Night Live, part three
Why’d You Put Your Quarter Down on Me?
Everything’s better with music.