Posts tagged “Super Bowl”

2024-10-03: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.

Nike Gators HatMy little sister is recording the event while mountain climbing somewhere in Oregon, so she asked me not to SMS her any information about the SEC Championship Game. Intentionally planning something of any importance — a mountain expedition, a wedding, bachelor party, childbirth, etc. — on a Saturday in the late Fall (or early Winter) is mind-boggling to me. My uncle — whose wife’s birthday is today, actually — got married on the day of the Super Bowl. (It was even worse that his favorite team was the AFC champion that year.) Priorities, people.

McCain? Obama? Who Cares?

Lifehacker has a great list of tips to help maximize your influence in the election. The most important one is the last one, and it’s the one I’ve been trying to explain to people for months. McCain is not going to do anything about speeding on my street and Obama is not going to cut

Last season, the Colts won the Lombardi in part by establishing a pass-wacky attack that defensive coordinators were obsessed with stopping, then gradually shifting toward the run in the postseason, then rolling out a rushing-based game plan in the Super Bowl that took everyone by surprise. … Belichick is among the best-ever students of the sport, so don’t be surprised if he remembers and attempts the same switcheroo. Of course at this point, don’t be surprised if Belichick suddenly rips off his prosthetic human face and reveals himself as a hideous reptilian space alien come to spearhead an invasion fleet.

Ending Speculation

In which I publicly remove myself from consideration

Stay Patient, Stay Alive

This month’s issue of Discover Magazine featured an article on The Math of . . . Changing Lanes. It was the usual drek on reasons why I shouldn’t drive like a maniac. It’s the sort of thing my mom would clip and mail to me with an “I told you so”-type note attached. Sneaking its

SuperBowl Video Sets Record for Sales

The plot held no secrets, the characters were familiar, and yet neither the players nor fans who gathered at the premiere of the New England Patriots’ Super Bowl highlight video seemed to care that they saw most of the material before. Although it first went on sale this week, the video has already set a

Faulk Arrested

Less than a week after winning the Super Bowl, New England running back Kevin Faulk was jailed after police said he became verbally abusive when told not to move a traffic barricade. Faulk disputes the charges, according to attorney Jason Robideaux. He said Faulk’s passenger moved a barricade and Faulk’s wife became belligerent while Faulk

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.