Posts tagged “t-shirts”

Pat Patriot

  • The legacy New England Patriots logo of a minuteman center about to hike a football (that looks suspiciously like an eggplant) is officially known as Pat Patriot. 1 When I was at Super Bowl XLII in Arizona as a guest of the NFL, I was gifted an awesome distressed / vintage white Reebok retro t-shirt featuring Pat Patriot. It was my favorite t-shirt. It was accidentally incinerated in an industrial furnace several years ago — it’s a long story — and I’ve never been able to find another one exactly like it. I’ve looked far and wide, Googled and eBayed repeatedly, set alerts, but no luck. I’ve seen a red version a few times on eBay, but never the same white one I had and loved. I can’t even find an image of the same shirt anywhere online!
  • Questlove created a trailer for the 50 Years of SNL Music documentary and it is completely mind-blowing. You have got to see it.
  • When our TV enters screensaver mode, it shows images from Google, including the artist’s credit. One cute photo prompted me to search for Aravind Krishnaswamy and we were delighted to discover he has a plethora of pleasing penguin pictures.
  • The latest issue of Culture of Sport (from David Skilling) examines why paying $7M for a 30-second Super Bowl ad is, incredibly, still a good deal.
  • The entire global cosmetic Botox industry is supported by an annual production of just a few milligrams of botulism toxin. Pure toxin would cost ~$100 trillion per kilogram. – via Tom Whitwell
  • TV & Movies
    • We watched Mr. Popper’s Penguins recently and it was a big hit. It’s a great kid movie, especially if your kids are infatuated with penguins. (And it’s Jim Carrey acting like a [mostly] normal human being, which is my favorite version of him.)
    • We have finally started watching Skeleton Crew, the latest Star Wars series. I read somewhere last year that the concept was supposed to be The Goonies, but Star Wars, and they nailed it. So far I think it’s phenomenal and I regret not having started it sooner.
    • Fly Me to the Moon (Apple TV+) was a pretty fun family movie, but should have been at least a half hour shorter. It was campy and painfully predictable, but the kids liked it. Woody Harrelson was great.
1 I would guess that the “new” logo (that looks suspiciously like a windswept Elvis) is probably officially known as Pat Patriot, too, but that’s a different issue.
  • Declaration 1776 sells Revolutionary t-shirts celebrating the origins of our nation. (*These are badass.)
  • I used the free version for about a month and last night finally decided it was time to cough up the $3.00/mo for my Instapaper subscription. “What’s Instapaper, David?” It’s only one of the most brilliant apps EVAH! Basically it lets you save webpages to read later, but it’s so, so much more than that. You really need to try it for yourself. I use this every single day.
  • Color me shocked. A new study finds that all plastics are bad for you.
    2019-11-30 Update: It looks like is no longer around, so that link is dead.
  • Everyone knows that you’re born left-handed or right-handed or ambidextrous. But did you know that you have a dominant eye? (And apparently there’s no such thing as ambidextrous sight.) It’s pretty simple to determine which eye is dominant. (Thanks, Shawn!)
  • TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog) gave a glowing review of‘s iMuscle, calling it, “a must for exercise aficionados.” Andy Faust wrote a much more in-depth review at AppAdvice, though, and let’s just say that he wasn’t quite as impressed.
  • Honestly I had no idea that at some time in the 1930s some Nazis built an elaborate compound in the hills around the Pacific Palisades.
  • If you are (a) a man or (b) a woman, you should read Kay S. Hymowitz’ Love in the Time of Darwinism: A report from the chaotic postfeminist dating scene, where only the strong survive.
  • Fascinating facts can be found with a statistical analysis of graffiti found at the University of Chicago Library.
  • I never knew there was a name specifically for the edges of uncut book pages.
  • In 1959 the Santa Susana Field Laboratory suffered a partial radioactive meltdown, leading to the contamination of the neighboring hills in Canoga Park. Now a group of Oak Park tenth-graders — Teens Against Toxins — are trying to reverse that contamination with a bake sale. (The cities of Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Oak Park, and Chatsworth all have extremely high rates of cancers similar to only one other place in the world: Chernobyl.)
  • There are literally hundreds of t-shirts in my closet, and I swore I wouldn’t get any more. But I must have this one. (Maybe I will have one of my other ones turned into a sleeve for my MacBook Pro.)
2024-10-01: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.

Real Products for Fictional Companies

The excellent local blog CurbedLA had an entry recently on artist Mark Bennett’s blueprints of fictional places. He has created very detailed floor-plans of famous pretend places, like the homes of George and Jane Jetson, Rob and Laura Petrie, and June and Ward Cleaver. (There’s a book, too!) I thought these were terrific so I

T-Shirt Hell Rules

Last week Kelly told me to start following Sunshine Megatron — the founder of T-Shirt Hell — on Twitter, so I did. The first tweet I saw from @smegatron was a #followfriday request, so I posted a tweet saying that T-Shirt Hell is cool. (And that’s true. If I didn’t already have a closet full

Gators BCS Championship Gear

Gators BCS Championship Gear

To celebrate the Florida Gators third BCS Championship, I headed to the fantastic site and purchased a 2006 / 2008 hat combo pack and a couple of t-shirts. I guess they still had a bunch of 2006 hats in stock and were trying to get rid of them; you really can’t beat $34.99 for

I really dig the idea of Campus Quilt. I have probably a good two hundred t-shirts from crew and college; and growing up in Daytona Beach was like living in a land of free t-shirts And, hey, they say that “We completely quilt the entire quilt on a commercial quilting machine. It’s quiltarific!

What Is This? is the personal weblog of me, David Vincent Gagne. I've been publishing here since 1999, which makes this one of the oldest continuously-updated websites on the Internet.

A few years ago I was trying to determine what cocktails I could make with the alcohol I had at home. I searched the App Store but couldn't find an app that would let me do that, so I built one.


You can read dozens of essays and articles and find hundreds of links to other sites with stories and information about Ernest Hemingway in The Hemingway Collection.