- It’s still early, but I think I’ve found a winner for Best Site of 2010:
Nelson HaHa. - Without a Single Throw, Tebow Rules the Combine
Unrelated Captions are what you get when the pictures have nothing to do with their captions.
- Put your flight jacket on one of these really cool airplane hangers.
- “Inspection showed multiple lacerations and puncture wounds all over the body which could not have been caused by any other attacker than a bottle-nosed dolphin.”
- Matthew David Lopez, 18, was taken to jail on charges of wearing a mask or hood on a public road after the age of 16 years old and resisting arrest without violence.
- The Boneyard
- Apple has a new great section on their site that teaches people how to switch from PC to Mac.
- “Jenny McCarthy is back in Time magazine this week to warn more parents about vaccines and blaming medicine for giving her son autism, even though there’s no scientific evidence of any kind to support those statements, and mountains of data proving she is 100 percent wrong. … [D]octors must shake their head and think, ‘I can’t believe I’m arguing with a chick who is only here because she sold pictures of her vagina to a magazine.'”
Posts tagged “Time Magazine”
2024-04-09: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- General Stuff
- Your body wasn’t built to last: a lesson from human mortality rates is fascinating.
- If you go through life free of bad habits, you won’t live forever, but it will feel like it.
- Top Ten Favorite Numbers
- I guess if hanging out with beautiful women, on the beach, in Spain, drinking, on a Tuesday afternoon, while being ridiculously rich is your definition of “cool”, then… yeah, being Leonardo diCaprio is probably fun.
- When you’re old, you have to have something to give you pleasure.
- So what does all this mean if you’re ambidextrous?
- I read Men’s Health and Sports Illustrated all the time. I never read Time or Newsweek. This is why.
- I can’t see any special effects, but I find it hard to believe that this amazing waterslide jump real.
- Coke vs. Pepsi: The truth about the logos.
- About a decade ago I worked for a company that did “every-other-Friday-off” and I thought it was extraordinary.
- Techie Stuff
- The Smoking Gun catches a loser.
- Apple releases Mac OSX 10.5.8 update. If you have a Mac, click the little Apple logo in the top left and choose “Software Update…” to update your system. (This means you, mom.)
- To keep the Google Analytics code from interfering with page rendering you can use jQuery to load and execute the ga.js file.
- PHP comes with a bunch of functions designed to help you manage URLs.
- And speaking of URLs… Comcast will now send you to a crap spam page if you type an URL incorrectly.
- Gator Stuff
- Urban Meyer: This is it.
- The University of Tennessee has some serious issues.
- Welcome back, Riley!
- College Football Preseason Top 25 Power Rankings: Cheerleader Edition