Posts tagged “tips”
iPhone Email Hack
Enter your email address with two taps.
#FridayFive: Useful Sites
Great websites that help get things done
Lost Your iTunes Music? You Can Get It Back.
How to recover lost iTunes tracks
Mac Pro-tip: Pressing ⌘ and + will make the font larger in just about every program you use. (And ⌘ and – will decrease the font size.)
It’s a silly little tip that almost everyone knows. But if you don’t know it, it’s a godsend. (It’s a little depressing to admit that your eyes are getting older, but …)
MacBook Air Wake-Up Fix
In which I get my MacBook Air to rise again
Have you noticed your MacBook Air fan has suddenly started running continuously, and loudly? You may need an SMC reset.
See also: Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
Opening New Firefox Tabs
Open tabs in Firefox the old way
How to Magnify PDFs in Mac OS X
One of the cool features in Mac OS X is the ability to “quick view” a file without actually opening it. If you have an item selected (highlighted) in a Finder window or on your desktop — or even a file embedded in an email message — just hit the spacebar and you’ll get a
WordPress Wednesday: How to Display the Age of Your Site
If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you’ll see that in my footer I display how long I’ve been publishing this site. It’s pretty simple to do this; all you really need is the DateDiff plugin and PHP’s default date() function.
#WordPress Wednesday: Ping Services
Where to ping