Posts tagged “tips”
WordPress Wednesday: Scheduled Posts
There are dozens of awesome features in the WordPress CMS, but one of my favorites is the ability to schedule a post for future publication. You can write a birthday wish to someone months in advance so you don’t have to worry about forgetting. You can plan to have an anniversary note appear on your
WordPress Wednesday: LaunchPad
LaunchPad is a killer WordPress “domain parking” theme. It’s the perfect way to let visitors know that something cool is “coming soon” when you’ve registered a domain name but haven’t yet had a chance to actually build anything. This high-impact, minimalist layout (example) comes pre-configured with two RSS subscription options — via email or feed
What Have You Tried?
Over at I just found an excellent article about software development and a must-read for any programmer, at any level: If you’re a developer and you’re about to ask another developer a technical question (on a forum, via email, on a chat channel, or in person), you’d better be ready to answer the question
How to Subscribe to RSS Feeds in Mac OS X
At one point I was doing my best to try to read over 100 different blogs each day. It was, in addition to unbelievably time-consuming, very frustrating when I’d see that some large percentage hadn’t been updated since the last time I’d checked. Enter RSS. RSS stands for “real simple syndication”. What does that mean?
iTunes Arrow Hack
I just found a super cool iTunes trick at the Unofficial Apple Weblog: If you hold the option key while you click on the little arrows next to artists and albums, it will take you to your library’s collection for that item instead of to the iTunes store.
Parsing PHP in CSS
Dynamically process your css scripts
Build Better Smart Playlists
In which I explain the trick I use to make my iTunes smart playlists smarter
Personal Library Hack
Here’s a little trick to help you keep your books from getting lost forever. If you’re like me, you get a ton of snail-mail spam, what we used to call “junk mail”. Lots and lots of companies — especially those concerned with getting your money to save the whales, the environment, the lives of endangered
Screen Capture on a Mac
Jim just showed me a bitchin’ cool Mac trick: If you press Shift, the Apple (“command”) key, and the 4 key at the same time, it will change your mouse cursor into a targeting device. Then hit the space bar and your cursor will turn into a camera icon. Use the mouse to move the
Planet Unicorn MP3
Converting online videos to mp3s