Posts tagged “toys”
online game
There is nothing like a completely useless, meaningless toy to brighten your day. <big grin>Thanks, Zannah!</big grin>
Crazy Toys
How could you not want to buy a toy that blows cheese-scented soap bubbles?! I found this amazingly awesome, incredible book last year and loved it. (I can’t seem to find my copy anywhere …) I bought the daily-planner version for my friend Chris for Christmas. both links via wwink’s web log
A Very Crazy Toy
A toy which simulates the castration of a monkey when the temperature drops. No. Really.
For sale: penis and vagina sake set
HOLY BLAST FROM THE PAST, Batman! I thought, seriously, that my sister and I were the only two people in America who had played with 2XL. Played with? How about, spent several hours every freakin’ day pushing that little guy’s buttons?! We still have ours. It was just about my favorite toy!
little plastic cylinders filled with goo
Jason used to have one of those little plastic cylinders filled with goo that slowly drips through holes in a cross-section and then you flip it and it oozes back the other way. You know what I mean, right? This thing was like 8 or 10 inches tall and a few inches in diameter, so
Toy Yoda
The best line in this article about a toy Yoda is, “Yoda and his ten-inch light saber will certainly appeal to younger kids.” There’s also a photograph of what appears to be a tremendously huge Yoda somewhere in New York.