- If you have any Apple devices – a MacBook, an iPhone, etc. – I strongly urge you to subscribe to the Simple Apple Tutorials newsletter published by Gannon Nordberg. Every two weeks, you’ll get one actionable lesson on how to use your Apple tech to be more organized, productive, and stress-free from a former Apple Certified Consultant and Mac Technician of seven years. His latest one, explaining the fastest way to protect all your Mac’s photos and documents, is superb and nearly identical to what I have been telling friends and family forever.
- Short-sightedness is on the rise – including among kids. Here’s what can be done. – via Links You‘ll Love
Proboscis was one of my mom’s favorite words. Funny the little details you remember sometimes. Mostly because of her, a profound childhood infatuation with Mr. Snuffleupagus, and my maternal grandparents’ shared love of small carved figurines of them, I have always been interested in elephants. If you are also fascinated by regal creatures with prehensile noses, you might enjoy this incredible Royal Society Open Science deep dive into how elephants develop trunk wrinkles through both form and function. – via Curious About Everything
- If You Think You Can Hold a Grudge, Consider the Crow: “Renowned for their intelligence, crows can mimic human speech, use tools, and gather for what seem to be funeral rites when [one of them] dies or is killed. They also tenaciously hold grudges. When a murder of crows singles out a person as dangerous, its wrath can be alarming, and can be passed along beyond an individual crow’s life span of up to a dozen or so years, creating multigenerational grudges.” – via kottke
- Stop killing yourself over that project for five minutes and read the divine discontent, an essay by Celine Nguyen on the pursuit of unhappiness: “The most fulfilled people I know tend to have two traits. They’re insatiably curious—about new ideas, experiences, information and people. And they seem to exist in a state of perpetual, self-inflicted unhappiness.” – via personal canon
- A recent study suggests mindfulness isn’t just for mental health. It can support healthier body composition, less body fat, and better weight management. – via Arnold’s Pump Club
- Since the start of 2022, in the regular season Penn State is 0-5 versus Michigan and Ohio State, 27-0 versus all other schools. – via TMQ
Posts tagged “tutorials”
- Only XKCD could produce such an emotionally-charged comic strip about the Mars rover Spirit. (How can you not feel badly about that poor little robot?)
- Where do all my taxes go? The New York Times has a great infographic that displays the recently-proposed 2011 US budget.
- You’ll find bunches of (mostly technical) fascinating links if you subscribe to my delicious feed; but in case you don’t and it’s the sort of thing that interests you, check out:
- Why the iPad will fail and help Windows 7 to succeed is required reading for anyone that is just blindingly stupid. It’s perfect for brilliant minds who also think the government is secretly poisoning us with fluoride and there’s really no hard evidence linking cigarettes with lung cancer.
iTunes Tuesday: Simple Tutorials
If you’re just getting started with iTunes, the hands-down best place to learn how it all works is the Apple website. The “Find Out How” section offers dozens of video and text tutorials which will get you up and running quickly. You can learn how to import music from your CD collection, edit your music
iTunes Tuesday: Unranked Songs
Smart playlist tutorial
WordPress Wednesday: Create a Twitter Widget
The team at ProBlogDesign has posted an excellent tutorial explaining How to Create Your Own Twitter Widget. The instructions are very detailed and by following them you’ll learn quite a lot about how widgets work.
How to Subscribe to RSS Feeds in Mac OS X
At one point I was doing my best to try to read over 100 different blogs each day. It was, in addition to unbelievably time-consuming, very frustrating when I’d see that some large percentage hadn’t been updated since the last time I’d checked. Enter RSS. RSS stands for “real simple syndication”. What does that mean?
Stop Being Broken
Creating Smarter Playlists
In which I explain some iTunes tricks
Quite nifty! My mini-tutorial — Five Tips for Smarter Playlists — has been published in the second issue of the online pdf magazine CRAM. A few weeks ago I received an email from one of their editors requesting permission to republish the essay. I had actually forgotten all about it. Then this morning someone at CRAM sent me an email announcing that the latest issue has been published. My article begins on page six. How cool is that?
Photoshop Tutorial – Polaroid Images
In which I explain how to make digital photos look like old analog ones