Posts tagged “twitter”
Deep Thoughts on Golf by @CelebrityHotTub
Thoughts on golf
#FridayFive: News on Twitter
Reliable sources
The University of Florida Alumni Association challenged the University of Georgia Alumni Association in an epic Twitter *.gif battle using House of Cards and West Wing references.
@sadderthan retweets and replies to things that are sadder than things you think nothing is sadder than.
#FridayFive: Top College Football Twitter Accounts
View the Friday Five from September 27th, 2013
#FridayFive: Best News Twitter Accounts
View the Friday Five from June 21st, 2013
I Do Not Like This – Facebook Mystery Likes
In which he suspects something is awry with Facebook
Facebook v. Twitter, 2013
Notes on social medi
iTunes + Twitter
It seems to me that it would be a no-brainer for Apple to update iTunes so that I could easily post a song to my Twitter account. The app could automatically insert a link to purchase the track in the iTunes store (or not, if it’s a song that doesn’t exist there).
Pentametron scours Twitter looking for tweets that are in iambic pentameter and then combines them into sonnets.