Posts tagged “video games”
Turning Virtual Gold into Real Cash
The Life of the Chinese Gold Farmer (link via kottke)
Donkey Kong Art
If you’ve got 10 friends and about 14,000 Post-It notes handy, you, too, could spend five hours and create a scene from Donkey Kong on the windows of a four-story building.
Video Game Buttons
It’s true. You can find everything you could ever imagine on the internet. You can find many things that you never would have imagined, too. I never would have thought to program a bunch of video games using form submit buttons, but someone did. Quite nifty. A high nift factor. Niftalicious. Note: My keyboard goes
Sony Playstation 2 Info
A lost post
Wrist PDA
Before the Apple Watch
“, the only place online where you can put on your leopard print hat and get your pimp on. PimpWar is a browser based game where you play the part of a ruthless pimp on a quest for power and money. You will become a master at the art of pimping your hoes, commanding your
“Imagine a computer game in which you follow all the rules, but your characters still die, because someone has introduced a virus into the game. Not only that, but the person who invented the game is the one who is distributing the virus.”
Activision has created an online version of Pitfall! to celebrate its 20th anniversary. You’ll need to get Shockwave to play, but it’s pretty cool. link via me-fi