Posts tagged “war”
Command and Control
Stories from the Cold War
#FridayFive: War Movies
My favorite movies about war
Ernest Hemingway: American Sniper?
The first casualty of war is the truth.
[W]ith a great moral issue involved, neutrality does not serve righteousness; for to be neutral between right and wrong is to serve wrong.
Theodore Roosevelt – February 22, 1915
You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant.
The Dogs of War
Happy Veterans’ Day!
#FridayFive: Badass NCOs
View the Friday Five from July 30th, 2010
The Dogs of War
Happy Veterans’ Day! Celebrate by watching this compilation of videos of dogs welcoming their masters home from the field. And a hat tip to my grandfather Vincent Albanese (1918 – 1986), who fought in WWII as one of Merrill’s Marauders. Thanks for everything I have and am today.