- In the new documentary Secret Mall Apartment, a group of artists recount how they turned a hidden nook in a Providence shopping center into a living space for four years. – via my dad
- If you’re ever in Los Angeles, check out The Nicolosi Estate. The long-abandoned 8700-square-foot, 4-bedroom, 5-bath home is encircled by an amazing 300-foot-long serpentine swimming pool, complete with rock bridges and grotto-style hot tubs, which is visible from the road. The estate was commissioned by Johnny Weissmuller, who won five gold Olympic medals in swimming (and a bronze in water polo!) and portrayed Tarzan in a dozen films from 1932 to 1948.
- Apple is losing a billion dollars per year on Apple TV+ and that’s just fine. – via @TrungTPhan
- I cannot tell you how many times I’ve used these CSS drop-shadow snippets.
- Technofossils: How humanity’s eternal testament will be plastic bags, cheap clothes, and chicken bones. – via kottke
This Is Exhausting:
- “Under the previous administration, we looked like fools. Not anymore.” – Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth, shortly before accidentally texting war plans to a journalist.
- A federal judge temporarily blocked the Environmental Protection Agency‘s attempt to recoup $20 billion in Biden-era climate grants, dealing the latest judicial setback for [the current administration]’s attempt to assert unilateral control over spending.
- There Is No Method to [the President]’s Madness. He’s Simply Insane.
- The corporation behind Roundup herbicide has paid out nearly $11 billion in lawsuits. Now it’s backing an EPA rule that would stop the bleeding.
- An Austin attorney is suing the Department of Education after seeing her student loan payments skyrocket.
- A Coast Guard Commander Miscarried. She Nearly Died After Being Denied Care.
Posts tagged “web design”
- You can now play the classic 1982 Atari 2600 game Pitfall! in your browser.
- I’ve been using FontAwesome in web projects since late 2012 and they are still the best.
- Scaling Our Rate Limits to Prepare for a Billion Active Certificates – Let’s Encrypt protects a vast portion of the Web by providing TLS certificates to over 550 million websites. They currently issue over 340,000 certificates per hour.
- The parents of a 22-yo Wisconsin man who died after an asthma attack have filed a lawsuit against Walgreens and UnitedHealth Group after they said the price for his medication suddenly rose from $66 to $539.
- Just dropping this here for no particular reason: Coup d’État: A Practical Handbook, Revised Edition
- Aides to [the man] charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees.
- “The impotence [of the left] is as staggering as the abdication is sickening. But the current message from elected Democrats is loud and clear: You’re on your own. And the message from the … administration is even clearer: You’re next.” – via Marisa Kabas
Apparently federal employees are using Milton’s red stapler from Office Space as a symbol of resistance, which is awesome on so many levels.
- An outbreak of tuberculosis in the Kansas City area has grown into one of the largest ever recorded in the United States, with dozens of active cases of the infectious disease reported, according to health officials. (Be alarmed.)
- Newly-appointed U.S. Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy signed a memorandum which directs the NHTSA to immediately initiate, “a rulemaking to rescind or replace all existing CAFE standards.” I just can’t get over the fact that this guy got his start on MTV’s Real World: Boston.
- The key difference between a calque and a loanword is that a loanword isn’t translated into English whereas a calque is. – surprisingly not via kottke, although he posted it, too!
- Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Jose Molina are television writer/producers with over forty years of combined experience — on shows including Lost, Firefly, Sleepy Hollow, and Helix — and they have a great podcast.
Should We Be Punching Nazis? You already know where I stand on this.
- My sons and I love Cautionary Tales, the Tim Harford podcast about mistakes and what we should learn from them. (He’s also written a children’s book, The Truth Detective: How to Make Sense of a World That Doesn’t Add Up.)
- Horror stories of cryonics: The gruesome fates of futurists hoping for immortality
- Is your heart a hardworking pump or a mystic miracle?
- What are Progressive Web Apps?
- “Homicides continued to decline in major U.S. cities — by more than 40% in some communities — during the first nine months of the year.” – via @crookedmedia
- How Marcus Smart’s support for cancer patients transformed children’s hospitals – via @theathletichq
- Please spare ninety seconds of your busy day today to watch Miss Piggy roasting Martha Stewart. – via @kottke
- What’s the roundest human-made object ever made? – via @thebadastronomer
- “Building beats talking. It beats being a full-time employee. It beats being well dressed or well spoken or well known. It beats being popular.” – via @ociubotaru
- “If you’re a parent, you know you don’t need a scientific study or some neuroscientist to confirm what you know from experience. There’s a part of you that didn’t exist until you had kids.” – via @dailydad, a fantastic newsletter
- I’m vehemently opposed to styling browser scrollbars, but I like the other nine items in this list of 10 CSS Tricks for UI developers – via @nnnirajn
- It’s effectively impossible to manage uploaded photos on Amazon Alexa devices using the iOS app because if you’ve uploaded more than about two dozen photos, the screen refreshes back to the top any time you scroll down more than a few pages. I posted about this on Twitter a few years ago, and I can’t believe they still haven’t fixed it.
- The complete lack of urgency from players and coaches, in the NFL and college, when down by two or more scores in Q4, makes me question whether any of these guys have ever played Madden. – via me
- The November 17th Bills–Chiefs matchup wasn’t just the game of the week, it was the most-watched NFL regular-season game of 2024 and the most-watched non-holiday game since 2007. – via @theathletichq
- If you’re bored with the standard New York Times puzzles — or looking for more ways to avoid thinking about the impending collapse of society — Alphaguess and Wordiply are two other fun word games. Worldle is a fun geography game and Framed is a fun movie game. Or see if you can beat my streak of 19 at WikiTrivia. There’s also a sports version of Connections.
- Being a “safe space for both sides” means you’re not a safe space for one side. – via @lingeringperception
- Art Garfunkel describes tearful reunion with Paul Simon: “I cried when he told me how much I had hurt him.” – via @timcarmody
- “I know that you have what it takes to start healing.” – via Coach Bennett’s Newsletter
- “It’s 91 degrees in November… no idea why I’m saving for retirement. At no point did Mad Max check his 401k.” – via @rpgregory87
- The Story Behind Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” and the Poet’s Own Stirring Reading of His Masterpiece – via @mariapopova
- This lovely Martha Wainwright track (from the absolutely fantastic Big Little Lies soundtrack) might resonate with some of you lately.
- See also: “The point of winning was not to make themselves happy, it was to make everyone else miserable.” – via @duckswithpants
- These 10 CSS Code Snippets Every UI Developer Should Know and 10 Bootstrap Tricks Every UI Developer Should Know are both handy. – via Niraj Narkhede
I wish I could think of something uplifting or witty to say by now, but I don’t. I’m sure that day will come soon, but today I’m just … tired. Hopefully these links will brighten your day a little.
- Meet Armando Villarreal, the man behind college football’s coolest helmets. – via @theathletichq
- Choose your decade and channel-surf the past on virtual TV sets. – via Laura Olin, who has a fantastic newsletter
- Allegedly, you can now scrub your personal information from Google searches. Here’s how to do it.
- JSON Crack is a free, open-source data visualization app capable of transforming JSON (and several other structured formats) into interactive graphs. – via @sung.kim.mw
- “1500+ free HTML templates for websites, landing pages, blogs, portfolios, ecommerce and admin dashboards” – via @devluc
- Great news for people who love bad news: This year won’t just be the hottest on record — it could be the first to surpass the 1.5-degree-Celsius threshold laid out in the Paris climate accord. – via @scientific_american
“Vanity Fair hits it on the nail.” via @deirdre.assenza
- Related: “Unfriendly reminder that good people don’t support rapists.” – via @iamayortrightkay
- Apropos of nothing: It’s nearly impossible to be a depressed ball of rage-filled anxiety while listening to Clair de lune. – via @gatordavid
- Please tell me Taylor is working on a “The White House” version of “The Black Dog”. And if she’s not, maybe Weird Al can get on it. I hope it’s shitty / in the White House… – via @gatordavid
In web design circles the little stacked three line graphic that you often see on websites to denote a clickable menu is usually called a hamburger (or just burger) icon. We call it that because it sort of looks like how a computer would display a minimalist hamburger. I adore that in the bottom navigation area of kottke.org, he has one that — instead of opening a menu, as you’d expect — takes you to an archive listing of all the posts he’s ever made referencing… hamburgers.
If your HTML form does not perform its submit action when I click the RETURN key, it is broken.
#FridayFive: Web Development Resources
Great tools make great code.
- “If a boot becomes the standard choice among war correspondents, I’m thinking it’s gotta be pretty damn good.” And now there is something else I want to buy. (A vortex cannon would be cool, too.)
- “Thousands of web designers make unforgivable spelling mistakes constantly.” Learning how to spell is actually quite easy. It’s amazing how many people think it’s perfectly acceptable to not know how to do it correctly.
- Your App’s Website Sucks should be required reading for everyone that makes any website, not just for app sites.
- The CEO of Woot! sent the world’s most awesome-packed email in the history of time to his employees to announce that Amazon had purchased them.
- Regardless of what you think, login is not a verb.
- TiPb has a stunningly complete list of every feature of the new iPhone.
- EDSBS presents A Journey Through College Football Dickdom