- I think it’s safe to say that bluntcard.com is my new favorite ecard site.
- Ferris Club
- Few things are as cool as Batman riding a robotic unicorn over a rainbow full of dolphins.
- There was once a woman who had immortal cells.
- True fact.
- I live in Los Angeles, so I am almost always “near” the ocean. There’s nothing like being in Hawaii, though. I need to be near a big body of water on a regular basis. I need it to reset my psychic metronome.
- To promote his new novel, Doubles, author Nic Brown challenged pro tennis player Tripp Phillips to a tournament. The story of the match is terrific.
- Fantastic feline fun for the whole family!
- Is anything sadder than a sad bear?
Posts tagged “WebLinks”
2024-06-07: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Let’s go for a swim! (Don’t forget your sunscreen!)
- A friend of mine discovered what may be the most horrifying cause of death in the history of the world.
- College football season starts in just about eight weeks. Much of it is televised. You should watch.
- Driving with His Lordship would make getting lost pretty scary.
- The Rolling Stone article concludes by declaring we have no hope of winning in Afghanistan. That is 10,000 times more important than any stupid snipe by an unnamed “aide”.
- If you have an old iPhone collecting dust, you can easily convert it into an iPod Touch. Or you could simply try to let yourself be bored.
- Did you know that an astronaut on the International Space Station was tweeting photos from space? (see also)
- You Were Doing It Wrong is the best Ask.MeFi thread ever. It should be required reading for everyone on the planet. (Second best!)
2024-06-10: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
The iPhone just keeps getting better. (I’ve had each one.)
- What Broke My Father’s Heart
- I have been in hysterics reading quotes from the fascinating lives of the people who live in my furniture catalogs… “Oh, dear. Our Q-Tip decanter is almost 1/5th depleted!”
- Lake Street Creamery. We guarantee IT WILL TURN YOU INTO A GOD.*
- The Swedish Chef cooks popcorn shrimp.
- The oil spill? “It’s heartbreakin’, baby.”
- The Who Tall Are You? mirror looks like it would be fun for a teenager’s room.
- It will probably be
light yearscenturies before the Sci-Fi Airshow makes its way to Los Angeles, and I sadly won’t get to see it. - Real Life vs. CSI:Miami
- Proper punctuation is important. Seriously.
2024-06-10: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- “If a boot becomes the standard choice among war correspondents, I’m thinking it’s gotta be pretty damn good.” And now there is something else I want to buy. (A vortex cannon would be cool, too.)
- “Thousands of web designers make unforgivable spelling mistakes constantly.” Learning how to spell is actually quite easy. It’s amazing how many people think it’s perfectly acceptable to not know how to do it correctly.
- Your App’s Website Sucks should be required reading for everyone that makes any website, not just for app sites.
- The CEO of Woot! sent the world’s most awesome-packed email in the history of time to his employees to announce that Amazon had purchased them.
- Regardless of what you think, login is not a verb.
- TiPb has a stunningly complete list of every feature of the new iPhone.
- EDSBS presents A Journey Through College Football Dickdom
2024-06-10: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- I love that Snoop Dogg recorded an ode to Sookie Stackhouse.
- If you want to really know what the difference is between Apple and every other technology company, read what Daring Fireball said about FaceTime. Just remember that most of us — including me, and I’ve been a computer programmer for almost twenty years — are “normal” people.
- Snooki Saved My Marriage: “[E]very combination of two good things does not equal a peanut butter and chocolate moment.”
- The Vatican has officially endorsed The Blues Brothers and said it should be recommended viewing for Catholics everywhere.
- A Field Guide to WiFi Users at Starbucks (archived)
- How I Lost My 1K Status on United is a great story.
- Who doesn’t love other people’s cats?
- “…[E]mployees who volunteered felt more connected to their companies and were more likely to work harder on tasks, …spoke positively about their employer in public and were less likely to daydream, cyber loaf or take extra time off work.”
- It is no surprise at all that Jeff Demps is number one on Heisman Pundit’s Ten Fastest College Football Players for 2010.
- The Big 12 somehow managed to stay alive.
- EDSBS compares sports leagues to religions, and makes sense.
- Did USC get railroaded?
2024-06-14: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Four agencies that specialize in Internet marketing — 10e20, Search and Social, Infinitenine, and Brent Csutoras Inc. — are joining forces in a roll-up to form BlueGlass Interactive.
- Why, yes, I do very much want a lightsaber.
- “It’s sort of nonsensical for a twice-divorced single mother of two to be using this line as seduction.” (a classic from @anildash)
- Why do foreign commercials always seem so much better than ours?
- Must read: Seven Reasons I’m Glad I’m an SEC Fan After Conference Expansion
“Is there a large mammal standing on your phone right now, such as a mountain goat or cheetah?”
- No Mouse Is Safe: Cat Gets World’s First Bionic Paws
- The preview video of the new EA Sports NCAA 11 looks amazicredible.
- I really don’t know what to say about phoneballs.com.
2024-06-28: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Here’s some excellent advice from Mike Rowe, of Dirty Jobs fame: “Don’t be that guy. Don’t wait for the world to acknowledge your accomplishments.” (He’ll also help you find a job.)
- For @andybabb: A Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
- Where can I fly for how much?
- Twirdie is Twitter golf!
The Earth is just amazing. (I had no idea the Titanic was that deep.)
- Porn surfers are likely to have out-of-date software that can be exploited, making those users an attractive target for cybecriminals.
- Sexual Congress
- How to keep someone with you forever — employee or lover.
- The Spill, The Scandal and the President is the inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years … and let the world’s most dangerous oil company get away with murder. (Does anyone else ever wonder why the hardest hitting investigative journalism in America is consistently done by a rock ‘n roll magazine?)
2024-06-28: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- The fictional high school chorus at the center of Glee has a huge problem: nearly a million dollars in potential legal liability.
- What were we thinking about when we had all that extra time?
- Who wants to see the ruins of modern Greece?
- Glasses are the ultimate image changer. (via jim)
- Authentic, game-used baseball cufflinks are just one of the many classy gifts for guys that can be found at the Gent Supply Co.
- I need to start slowly making my way through the 101 best sandwiches in Los Angeles. Very slowly.
- Lovely phrases and beautiful definitions can be found in the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows.
- I’ve never really been a big Trek fan, but this list of the fifteen cruelest deaths in Star Trek history is pretty sweet.
- WTF is HTML5 and why should we all care?
- You really should follow me on Twitter. That’s the quickest way to learn about awesome sites like youarenotsosmart.com.
2024-06-29: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
- Starbucks To Begin Sinister ‘Phase Two’ Of Operation
- Is Schizophrenics Anonymous legitimate or some sort of sick joke?
- “You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font.”
- This week’s must-have hat is The Infidel.
- In prison Bernie Madoff doesn’t have to hide his lack of conscience.
- The Smithsonian has released a list of the ten most disturbing scientific discoveries. I only think that three of them are very disturbing. (The other seven are just kind of “meh”.)
- If you’re going to brew your own beer, you might as well have a nice label.
- The Button is probably the dumbest iPhone app ever.
- Greg Knauss knows what to do about the Gulf.
- Housewife Charged In Sex-For-Security Scam
- News flash for lottery winners: Money can’t buy happiness. (Note: I am already happy, so winning the lottery would not ruin my life. Also, I’m not a moron.)
- Are you as excited about the new iPhone as I am? (It’s not my fault that Steve keeps releasing them so close to my birthday!)
2024-07-08: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.
How does a bill become a law? A lovely infographic from Mike Wirth Art is a swell way to learn the answer… but nothing beats the original (YouTube).
- Make your hidden self a little bit cooler with better Facebook default profile images.
- “These are their stories.” RIP L&O.
- “You know the best way to get the public to respect your brand? Have a respectable brand.” — from an interview with Leroy Stick, the man behind @bpglobalpr
- On June 5, 1910 there were only nine mothers of U.S. Senators still alive.
- Book owners have smarter kids.
- Are you an Asker or a Guesser? (I honestly don’t know which one I am.)
- This is the sort of stuff I love: Battleship Island & Other Ruined Urban High-Density Sites. I need the History or Discovery Channel to do a special on this!
- Derek thinks he’s finally figured out why everything sucks. And it’s actually kind of awesome.
- @sbnation presents an explanation of the recent and confusing NCAA conference realignments.
2024-01-21: Broken links in this post have been removed and/or updated.