- Help the SimpleMarriage research project.
- 25 Hot Tips For iPhone 3G
- Coming soon: Flash Tutorials
- Surgeon finishes brain operation while having a heart attack
- 30+ Amazing Mac Apps for Developers (I use Coda and love it.)
- Litmus: The advanced testing tool for web professionals.
- The My Chemical Romance cover of Bob Dylan’s Desolation Row that plays over the end credits of The Watchmen is beyond phenomenal.
Posts tagged “WebLinks”
I’m really digging wander-lust.com. The design is groovy, the spider is spidery, and the links are extra juicy. I’ve found some terrific sites there and I really like the way their syndication operates. Check ’em out.
Site Still Exists
Some sites never die
URL Droppings
URL Droppings from blogIRC: computer jobs shrapnel.org www.bluesilver.org/random/ wondergurl.com/malaprop/crush/ www.sapphireblue.com/ www.foreword.com/danelope/ www.fairvue.com/ naufana.com/pure/ life_websex_dc_1.html cremerinseandtobaccosmoke.com GOTI.net iritabilita.net jhonen.jpg www.tvguide.entertainment.aol.com/ members.xoom.com/JournalCabal www.wrongwaygoback.com/designforlife/tshirts.shtml www.section12.com/users/debrahyde/ www.jasewells.com/myself-gayflame.html www.creativegroup.com www.journalcon.com section12.com moviesunlimited.com There may be more. I missed a few hours while I was eating dinner at my mom’s house. I’ll update when I get the missing time from B-Dawg.