Posts tagged “writing”
The Bats Are Coming
It’s when you can’t hear the bats, that’s when the bats are coming. That is what is printed on the front of the birthday card I received from my brother-in-law. On the inside it says, “Other than that, I have no birthday advice.”
Quite nifty! My mini-tutorial — Five Tips for Smarter Playlists — has been published in the second issue of the online pdf magazine CRAM. A few weeks ago I received an email from one of their editors requesting permission to republish the essay. I had actually forgotten all about it. Then this morning someone at CRAM sent me an email announcing that the latest issue has been published. My article begins on page six. How cool is that?
On Baseball
A beautiful essay on baseball
If I ever get a chance to write my memoirs, I think I will name them either: What to Do If You Are Surrounded by the Entire Bolivian Army and Have No More Bullets or Snapshots: Twenty-seven 8 x 10 Color Glossy Photographs with Circles and Arrows and a Paragraph on the Back of Each One Explaining What Each One Was to be Used as Evidence against Us.
Funny Stuff in My Inbox — High School Essays
A collection of terrible similes and metaphors
Multiple monkeys with a computer accomplish nothing.
To Have and Have Not
The novel breaks from the traditional five act dramatic plot sequence.
Thomas Hardy
On Thomas Hardy’s “The Self-Unseeing” and “The Haunter”, an essay from 1996
Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin
On Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions and Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanacks
The First Time I Got Paid For It
A lovely book about screenwriting